
A passionate & proactive sales team

At Red23, we know what it takes to generate buyers, sell your development and build a community.

Our proven sales process, marketing programs, experienced sales consultants and management team ensures nothing is left to chance.

Red23 maximises every opportunity to achieve the highest possible price for land in a competing area through a robust combination of enquiry generation, lead management and sales conversion.

We offer experienced advice and expertise on lot mix, product pricing and expected sales rates along with other key aspects to ensure the success of your development.

The Red23 brand prides itself on a flexible approach to delivering a genuine tailored service to all client partners. The dedicated sales team assigned to your development is committed to building positive relationships that engage buyers and build strong communities.


Want to learn more about our sales process?

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Over the years, Carlisle Homes has worked with the Red23 team to deliver great results via well thought-out house and land promotions on a number of projects across Melbourne’s greenfield sites.

Hans Oudemans
General Manager Sales – Carlisle Homes

Red23 and Red23 New Homes breadth and depth of experience in sales and marketing, is a testament to their team.

David Lunardi
Development Manager – Intrapac Projects

I want to thank Frank Franze for his amazing service and advise through the whole purchase of our first block of land. He was patient, professional, knowledgeable and just a lovely person.

Jessica Louise

Resi Ventures appointed Red23 after considering several options and felt that Red23 was the best fit for our development based on their strong work ethic, attention to detail and well respected sales team. They have been proactive from the beginning and integrated themselves into our team seamlessly.

Khurram Saeed
Director – ResiVentures

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